Friday, May 07, 2004

B-Day +2

I want to know who came up with the following Ole Wives Tale:

"If you have heartburn during pregnancy, it means your baby will be born with a hairy head."

Yesterday on the phone with a friend of mine, I mentioned that I'd been having some heartburn which is typical during pregnancy, just like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, incontinence and swelling of the feet.
My friend says nonchalantly, "It's the hair".
"What hair, MY hair?", I reply, wondering if she's about to say what I think she's going to say.
"No, the baby's hair"
I was silent. Consternation. I had never heard of such a thing.
This morning, my mother-in-law emailed Guy to tell him about the same thing when he mentioned I was having heartburn. Where do they get this stuff?

Somehow, the hair on my baby's head is finding it's way into my esophagus?
How does that work? I'd like to see them sort that out on Mythbusters.
I think maybe it's all the hair that's grown on me since I've been pregnant. Now THAT would make sense.

Other labor-related wive's tales I've come across...

The following will bring on labor:
- Foot massages
- Drinking castor oil
- Driving over bumpy roads
- Walking
- Sex
- A full moon

I wonder if there are any records I could play backwards. Hmm.

Relatives and friends are stepping up the surveillance. We're getting approximately 2 calls a day now with people wondering where my son is. You'd think we were purposefully delaying labor. Today I even got an early Mother-To-Be Mother's Day card. It's amazing how the arrival of a new life makes people so interested in you. People are not all that interested in you at Christmas or Thanksgiving, or on your birthday, but have a baby and your family will display and interest in you that I cannot truly understand.

I was approached again today by strangers:

1. In Babies R'Us (no surprise really), by a woman with a lazy eye pratted on about how I should walk as much as I can and sleep as much as I can cause it doesn't get better and you don't get more sleep, especially with teenagers like she has. Such encouragement knows no boundaries.

2. In CVS in the shampoo aisle when a little boy whispered to his mom about my belly - must have asked her what was wrong with me- I heard her whispering "She has a baby in her belly". I turned and smiled and she was immediately apologetic. I smiled and said it was fine and joked to him that he was once in a belly. Then she came over and said "And last night he just asked me how the baby gets IN the woman's belly in the first place". I chortled. Some day I will be faced with the same question from my son.
I will say to him " Oh that's a great question for your dad, he knows all about things like that."
Heh heh.

TV/Media Note: The 10 year running sitcom Friends ended last night. Much ado about nothing, I'm afraid. Sopranos is so much more fun. One common thread: Joey and Chandler had Duck and Chicken. Tony has a thing about Ducks. What does it mean?

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