Saturday, July 09, 2005

Mum's the Word

Still voiceless. Have been rooting through a drawer in a desk in our bedroom. Found pics and an envelope containing hair from Spencer's first official haircut. Grabbed the clear accordion folder with all Spencer's stuff and found feeding schedules and notes from daycare. It's amazing how much he's grown in a year. Ten inches and close to 20 lbs.

I missed a bunch of those early days due to Postpartum Depression. I don't know how forthcoming I've been about that, and from now on, I 'm determined not to avoid talking about it. ESPECIALLY after what Brooke Shields did. Who'd have ever thought I'd have something in common with Brooke Shields besides proximity to Princeton University.

I packed some boxes. We watched Gettysburg on TNT today. It's SIX hours long. That's at least twice as long as Scarface. Say hello to my extremely long movie! I wrote notes to Guy asking questions(tired of trying to whisper and having him go "What?" over and over) about the battle and surrounding history. He's on the ball with that stuff let me tell you. He'd be a great history teacher.

It's about time to crash out. But I'm watching BBC America (great network for Anglophiles) and the show "What Not To Wear" is on. There are these two gals, Susannah and Trinny. I saw them on Oprah once or twice.
They pick really dumpy ladies and make them beautiful-In a way that's appropriate.

In the shows I've had on, they've been dealing with moms of teenage girls. They helped this one woman who almost sounded like a man. She had a real cockney accent, and was so plain and so nondescript that she didn't seem salvageable. They really did a great job. She was so shocked when she saw how they'd primped her, she almost didn't speak. Her reaction was that she looked too good to actually be herself. Imagine that. You suddenly look as good as you could look, and you don't feel you're good enough to look that good.

It's really cool hearing all these British women speaking and using colloquialisms and slang I have no knowledge of. They all sound smarter just because of their accents. There's also a calm about Brits. It's funny everyone seemed to have overlooked it until the bombings. The media acted like Londoners were unusually calm in the face of incredible trauma.

DUH. Why do you think America happened? Stereotypically speaking, Brits have a tendency to be a bit repressed and passive-aggressive. That couldn't have helped their case in managing the colonies from so many thousands of miles away...I mean can you imagine men here working hard to build communities and industry from the ground up, and when problems arose and they tried to get assistance, they were greeted with things like a STAMP tax? They taxed tea, and our boys dressed up like friggin' Native Americans and dumped it into Boston Harbor. Talk about acting out!

So when you see the endless footage they'll show for the next week of the men and women, calmly but solemnly making their way out of the bombed Tube stations, remember, they've been sporting that kind of demeanor since before the Revolution. I wouldn't have expected behavior of any other sort. It's really just like us to suddenly notice how people from another country behave. They've been around longer than us, and we act like they just landed. Can you say "ethnocentric"?

Ok, I'm boring myself. Where was I intending to go with that? There is a teeny weeny bug crawling around on the screen and the little f***er is distracting me as I type. Go away before I squish you with my little pinky. EEEWW he crawled right up to where the lettters were moving on the screen. He's a smart little f***er.

If I was smart, I'd take some cough medicine like a good mommy and go to bed.
This bug has more common sense than me right now. Sure is busy. Hi bug. Shouldn't you be asleep? Are the lights keeping you up? I know you can't help but buzz around in their direction. If I turn off the screen, will you go to bed? He flew away. I can't explain why I called him a he.
"Quicker than a ray of light I'm flying" - "Ray of Light", Madonna*

*Also an Anglophile mum.

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