Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Mecca or Hell?

I have found it. Both in one place. Moorestown , New Jersey.
The five mile radius around my office is spilling over with every type of store, strip mall and mega mall. I dare say I was overwhelmed by this new reality.

Do you realize that in one day I could probably design, build, furnish a house, buy enough clothing, accessories and shoes to last a lifetime, eat and eat and eat, work out, eat some more, buy bigger clothing, go to the doctor with my higher cholesterol (from all the eating), get physical therapy, drink cappucino and all kinds of revved up coffee drinks until I am spinning like a top, buy a good book, get someone a greeting card and stock up on enough tchotkes until I can barely fit all the purchases in my car, go outside with the intent to write or read or clean something and end up in my car magnetically pulled in the direction of clothing on sale.

Narcolepsy is taking over. Eyes feel like little elephants are sitting on them.

Goodnight good people of LA and MISS. Try try try not to go crazy and kill eachother.
I am going to bed.


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