Saturday, October 01, 2005

Back to School Smell

It's finally fall. It's cold enough at night that we can close the windows, and this morning, we actually had the heat on for the first time since we moved here. Earlier in the day, I had this overwhelming wish that I could go back in time to high school...

Canine Interruptus: JESUS, mary and joseph! Mack just came clicking in here (bedroom with hardwood floors and no area rug) and flumphed (yes I made it up) down on the floor. If that didn't wake Spencer, nothing should.

Anyhoo, as I was saying before Paws: The Return, I wish I was back in school. High school.
I wish I had books and homework and projects and reports. I can't walk into a single drug store without being attacked from all sides by notebooks of every size, shape and color, and it makes me nuts.

Ok this is lame, I am suddenly falling asleep. Blogger, why do you make me so sleepy? Stop snuggling me!

Ok, now I forget what I was going to write. I actually just tried to write with one eye open. I can no longer think or write.

Long and short of it all: I want school supplies.

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