Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Home Alone

Ok, I'm not alone alone, but Guy is working a full day today, so it's just me here with the little one (who by the way is two weeks and a day old!). He's asleep at the moment cause he kept his Daddy up late last night fussin'.

I think I actually got sleep but you wouldn't know by looking at me. I look like a zombie. Guy says we've been lucky til now and now we're like all the other sleep deprived, exhausted parents.

My mother spent a week with us and is coming back again tomorrow. I am REALLY happy about that. She did more laundry in one week than I usually do in like a month. And this "recovering" crap is making the laundry pile up, as my son goes through one to 3 outfits a day with wet diapers and sometimes sheets and covers on our bed. I mean, we put the changing pad on the bed to protect the bed, but when a WMU (Weapon of Mass Urination) lets loose, NO linens are safe.

Having a baby is making me a morning person and I don't know how happy I am about this development. For instance, Spencer is feeding every day between 6 and 8 am. I start to wake up from it because he tends to spend 10-20 minutes on one breast, fall into Milk Stupor for 5 to 30 minutes then either feed on the other breast or I give up and he goes back to his crib and I pump. Then as this feeding pattern dictates, I know he will most likely be napping until about 10-1030 so once he's "down" it's the opportune time to take a shower.
It's now 130 and I'm so sleepy. He makes my day go pretty fast though.
He'll wake up in about 20 minutes I think.

Things I wonder: How will it be in a month or two when he starts being awake longer and becomes more mobile? How will I shower then? Strap him into his bouncy seat and make him sit in the bathroom in the steam? Yuck. What about a trip to the loo? Will I make him sit in the bouncy seat in the loo while I'm on the toilet? Yuck!

Breastfeeding is weird. Even weirder is that Guy has not been really able to grasp how it works. Last week I tried to explain how pumping can take the place of a feeding but that either way I have to be awake. It wasn't all that complicated, but he looked at me like I was speaking Cantonese. Speaking of which, I could go for some Lo Mein or something where I have to use chopsticks.

Anyway, he admitted that he had no idea what I was talking about. I've since tried to explain, but he still gets a fog over his eyes and looks at me blankly. All he wants is an extra bottle of breastmilk to have handy so he doesn't have to if Spencer gets hungry in the middle of the night. He doesn't care how it gets in the fridge.

Pumping your breasts for milk. That's a trip in and of itself. There is milk coming out of my body. MILK! I'm a cow. Almost every time I pump, all I can think of is Robert DeNiro saying to Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents:
"I've got nipples Greg, could you milk me?"

Oh, tidbit: Boppy pillows ROCK. You need them for breastfeeding. I'm telling you that now, Moms To Be. That includes YOU Julia Roberts, and you might want TWO since you're apparently having twins. Oy vey. She had to outdo everyone didn't she? I wonder how much weight she'll gain. OH and she's shooting Oceans 12 right now! She's only 9 weeks pregnant as of this posting supposedly, so I bet she's a party to work with. I guess George Clooney won't be chatting her up too much right now, huh? Oh don't give me that, you KNOW they hooked up a little on the first film. How could she NOT? It's GEORGE CLOONEY. I wonder if she read for Out of Sight. It was a Soderbergh film afterall. No matter. J Lo totally did it justice, so I can't see anyone else in the role of Karen Sisco...

Yes, I'm delirious. Don't expect any orderly postings for awhile until some kind of rhythm gets established. Right now things are about as offbeat as they can be. (Picture me smiling a big toothy grin right now).

Hey have you seen any pictures of my son?

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