Sunday, May 16, 2004

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

Number of strangers today who felt compelled to comment on my pregnancy: 0

This morning Guy spoke with his mother and found out that the birth weights of he and his 4 siblings ranged from 7.5 - 9.5lbs. He was 8.5 lbs.

Later on today my mother called to check in. She spoke with Guy and he told her about the whole birth weight thing and she informed him that she was 8.6lbs.

I did some last minute shopping and bought some "grannie panties" (since I will have an incision on my bikini line, I will have to wear higher cut stuff. No low-riders for me for awhile. I also got stuff to wear in the hospital.

I'm all packed now. I went to Border's too and bought the Story of Ferdinand. It's Guys and my favorite children's book. I wanted to have stuff to read to Spencer in the hospital and couldn't find any portable story books - compilations tend to be big, hardback and heavy. At least I found a really good core book that we know we'll keep forever.

I'm nervous now. It's like all these new things happening at once - my first surgery, my first hospital stay and my first BABY! In 13 hours, I'll have a baby boy in my face! And he's my son! From now until the end. That's so intense.

We're both just killing time until tomorrow. Guy spent all day landscaping and evicting carpenter bees from their homes under our porch. I spent part of the day in the car getting a good drive around and shopping. I confess I had part of a cherry slushee and a Snickers bar. I think I'll be eating mush for the next few days. I had to have some chocolate. I also had eggs bacon and toast this morning. I don't know when I'll get to eat bacon again.

I'm tired cause we didnt' get to bed til late last night and I didn't want to sleep late today. I'd love a nap but I know I'll end up being up all night. All I want is a few good hours of sleep tonight, 'cause I know in the next few weeks it's gonna be rough.

I'm having my last meal until who knows when: chicken and peas and corn follwed by sour cream chocolate chip cake I made yesterday with sugar free vanilla ice cream.

We'll take Mack to our friends' house tonight and finish getting ready for the morning.

I won't be able to write here for a few days, but I plan to detail on paper and transfer when I get back and can put things on my lap again ;)

Here's to new beginnings!

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