Wednesday, May 12, 2004


I wonder if my body will do anything to let me know I'm actually in labor.

Today I got my big self out of the house. Not before I talked to Guy's mom and assured her we'd call if anything happened, and not before I got a visit from the gas company threatening to cut off service even though we paid our bill in full a month ago. I was wearing my jammies which hardly cover me and I had to answer the door half covered with a rain jacket Guy has hanging by the door. Talk about self-conscious! Ugh. AND it's like a bezillion degrees out so I'm all hot and gross and semi-draped in blue ripstop nylon and this guy wants to shut of the gas when I'm about to take a friggin shower. Nice timing.

Nonetheless, I got out and went to meet Guy at a client's place of business and we went flower and shrub shopping for our newly manicured lawn. I learned that Rhododendrons are shrubs and Delphiums are plants. Guy says I have a memory block when it comes to plants. I don't know why. Must be something from my childhood. Because everything in life is from childhood. So I better watch it with this kid or he's gonna have a memory block about Rhododendrons.

I will say, one motivating factor today was air conditioning in my car. We don't have central air in the house and no units are up and running yet, so I realized I could get the benefits of AC right in my beetle. Brilliant! I couldn't really get comfy in my car seat, but hey, cars aren't meant for reclining.

So after purchasing some Impatients and Petunias, Guy stopped at 7-11 on the way home to get milk - when he got home he had Slurpees! yumm. I haven't had one since I got pregnant. I hope the baby didn't OD on sugar. We sat in our backyard in the grass. Mack rolled around and sniffed every piece of sod he sat on. We talked about where the new plants and shrubs would go. He got up and sat in the lawn chair and I had to get up by myself. It was like trying to stand up from lying down while carrying a load of wood on your back. I had like NO balance. Ridiculous.

Travesty on American Idol tonight. Guy has officially told the show to Talk To The Hand. He's had it. I don't care. I just want to have a baby.

Strange Instinct: I keep feeling like if I sit down at the sewing machine to finish the curtains, I'll go into labor. I'm tempted to go try but now that I've though about it so much I know nothing will happen. Have I mentioned I'm losing it?

My cousin from California sent us some sweet storybooks.
The card she sent was really funny too. It has a mom in a rocking chair singing "Love Shack" by the B52s to her baby and on the inside it says something like "Any song can be a lullaby" clever. I personally plan to sing Beatles songs.
I even have a music box that plays 3 different Beatles songs - my very first boyfriend gave it to me. I'm glad I kept it.

Is itching a sign that labor is coming? What about paranoia and slight halllucination? What does Castor Oil have that so many women will try it to go into labor? I'm getting tempted folks. I really am.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is on momentarily. I highly recommend it. Local news is a nightmare, and network news is sorely lacking in common sense and a sense of the ridiculous. I am living ridiculous right now.

And HOT. It's freaking hot in here. That would be another benefit of labor - air conditioned hospital!!!!!!!!!!

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