Last night we slept in our bed in our room for the first time since we moved here.
It was shaping up to be great until we turned on Spencer's monitor and heard something that sounded like whales on land calling out to a large moose. Guy and I both bolted out of bed in confusion. When we opened the door to our room we could hear it coming from outside. NO idea what it was, but it suddenly felt all too much like a scene from the M. Night Shamalyan film Signs. We were freaking to say the least. Somehow I got to sleep, assuring us both that I'd call the township to find out what kind of an alarm they have going off in the middle of the night.
When I called the township this morning, the representative did not know what I was talking about. I even demonstrated for her over the phone (would have sounded REALLY weird if she'd had me on speaker). Guy told me later that it wasn't a fire alarm cause he'd heard one earlier that day. I suppose I'll need to listen for it again.
In an unrelated subject, I leave you with this question: What is "wishniak"?
Monday, August 01, 2005
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Due to extreme fatigue and the need to look up outlet covers and find out how to attach a new clothesline (I can't even START on that one), I will summarize the past week using bullets...
- We did it. We settled on our old house and closed on the new one on Thursday May 21.
- Spent the next three days steaming old wallpaper, dusting, cleaning, whining about smelly things and pulling out disgusting old carpet.
- We moved on Monday July 25 and Tuesday July 26. We slept in the living room of our new house until today when we finally got the bedroom painted.
- Spencer spent alot of time in daycare. I spent alot of time driving him there and back.
- I think Guy has a hernia. He thinks he may too, but hmmm, has a doctor seen it yet to have a look? uh, NO.
- Mack and Spencer have been having a time getting adjusted. More Mack than anyone else I think.
- My stomach is rebelling. I've been eating terribly, and dropping weight to the point that I almost have to wear belts to cinch up the waistband enough to keep pants on. Starting to look like someone from The Little Rascals.
- What does it mean to have water in your basement? How many basements do? What's normal? Why does everyone want to dig up your basement and clean mold?
- Showers are funny because we run out of water so fast it's absurd. Same thing happens when doing dishes. Oh did I mention? We have no dishwasher either.
- The paint job we did looks great. Good color choice which I am primarily responsible for - the research (big purple binder) paid off.
- I miss Sex & The City SO much I cried watching it last night (yes, we have HBO already. No DSL mind you, but Yankees Network, hell yes)
- So tired I'm hallucinating. Oh wait it's the tv - somehow the acoustics are different and when you turn sound up on tv you can hear almost every single background noise so it seems like there are people talking in the house
- Movers need to have a plan of their own and communicate it.
- Eyes closing as I write this. Will catch up when more coherent.