Friday, May 13, 2005

Lowest of the LOWES

Do you see this?

I don't see it in my backyard where it's supposed to be.

Let's just say I spent more time on the phone today with complete strangers trying to track down someone with some responsibility than anything else. Oh except wiping Spencer's faucet nose.This grill was supposed to be delivered from between 2-4pm and then assembled.

I've taken to calling him "Booger". How do these little beings manage to produce so much mucus?
Thank you Kleenex with Lotion.

Product Description Writer. That's me. Just a forethought. I may explain in more detail at another time. I HOPE I will explain in more detail...ha ha.

Non sequiturs flow fast and free when you're as sleepy as me.

Hey, Supermarkets, when you decide to rearrange, how about the following:

1. When you temporarily store certain items in holding areas, make sure to put signs in the old shelves telling us silly customers where to find them. You can handwrite them, we understand. We'd just rather not engage you in conversation about where to find the item we just walked by 6 times because it's not where it usually is.

2. Better yet, pay some employees overtime and get your salaried manager heineys scheduled to work late nights to get the job done. Don't you see that in trying to do it all while we're shopping just makes us more tense than we already are? Us customers are in perpetual hurry, even though we don't necessarily have to be anywhere in a dire emergency. We don't want to crash our carts and bump into eachother and have forced contact.

3. Get out of the tiny temp aisles when customers try to roll their oversized carts through. We're the ones paying for the groceries and in turn paying your salaries. Please respect that the customer is always right, regardless of the smug, vain, spoiled looks on our faces.

My laptop battery is near dead. It's good discipline -keeps me from writing too much. It's bad enough I make very little sense. No point inflicting the full brunt on you. At least not tonight.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Owns a home and a sugar jones

We sold our house. We bought another one. I am an asset holder now. Cool.

Do you have any idea how much paperwork is involved in buying and selling a home? I figured today that mortgage companies are singlehandedly keeping 81/2 x 14 size paper in production. I have signed so many copies and documents, I don't even know how to sign my name anymore.

T-minus 48 hours to Spencer's birthday and counting. I will be Elmo this weekend. Tomorrow a brand new gas grill is being delivered because we have to cook upwards of 50 hamburgers. I pick up the costume Friday. Saturday I get the cake, and then our backyard becomes the inflatable circus. We got a moonbounce. And, Guy also ordered a blowup jungle gym, a bubble machine and some other bubble-making contraption. We bought a box of 200 Flav-or-Ice popsicles. Guy has eaten about 25 so far.

Oh wait, and I forgot, Guy's dad, brother and fiance and my mother are all staying with us Saturday night because Guy's niece is graduating from Philadelphia University (my alma mater) on Sunday.

I forgot something else entirely. Mother's Day!
Now there's one perk of having kids - you get your own little holiday. sort-of.

I'm not over Tastycakes. Damn that little deli down the street. Curse them!
If you can get a Tangy Taffy - cherry flavor - eat it immediately. They are scrumptious.

My final thought: Sugar doughnuts have a unique consistency: They are light yet squishy. They should be appreciated whenever possible. I would like one right now.