Sunday, March 22, 2009

Epilogue: Facebook in the living room with the candlestick

Ok, so I read a book I liked, commented on it on Goodreads, by way of Facebook, and shared my review on this blog, also via Facebook. It in turn apparently posted some links either directly back to Facebook, or to Goodreads. One of THOSE links must have gone to an area where they ask for your info or permission to add their app if you're coming from an FB* page.

My head is spinning. That whole debacle needs to be diagrammed like a genealogy chart.

So then, Google and friends** on this WWW thingy we're all using, determined there was something bad coming off my site and shot up warnings to visitors. Scary. All that time I spent, when all I had to do was check out that post and take out the links. Why didn't someone just see that and tell me? Would it have been so hard? Oy.

And now the hidden moral in this story: Make sure you say what you mean to whom you want to say it. Don't depend on someone or some THING to do it for you. They'll put their own spin on it ;)

And goddammit, wouldn'tcha know it, I came online to finally organize my small little wine collection and got distracted by little side dramas. This ALWAYS happens. Suddenly it'll be 10pm and I'll wake up with my head on the desk wondering what happened.

There's a moral there of some sort as well. However, I can only afford one per post during these hard times, and I don't have the time to think of one cause I'm not supposed to be here right now(insert emoticon of me sticking tongue out)!

The End.

ps. New Guilty Pleasure: I get a kick out of putting Legos together. Spencer has been asking for the Star Wars Death Star since he first saw it like in August of last year. I'm at the point where I think I'd buy it if we could afford it — just so I could say I could put it together.

*FB = Facebook
**friends = Any various search engine/algorithm-y utility that monitors sites we all access