I have one too.
A blog.
And now, gentle reader/s, for your existential musing, I give you...
David Lee Roth. At the height of his career. Flexible, manly, golden-haired, Rock God.
Now that's some success right there.
What's it like to be jacked up in midair, suspended by your own acrobatic prowess, above thousands of fist-pumping, testosterone-fueled males and drooling, ambitious, easily undressed women?
Do you stop in your mind and go "Wow. I did it. I've always wanted this. This is right where I want to be. I am so grateful for this."
Do you belt out more lyrics, scream high-pitched wails and be mindful of the position of your legs coming down from 90 degrees to the floor and remember to land gracefully while possibly fully baked by some kind of alcohol/drug cocktail?
Do you look out far into the audience and think "There's some young kid out there who is so grateful to see me here. I'm glad he came."
Do you run around and smash into your guitar player, mold your audience, getting them to all clap above their heads until they lose all muscle function, wail some more with glee and rip into another song with drums and bass throbbing so loud you can hardly remember to breathe?
Does the work you put in take so much out of you that joy is more of a performance than it is your actual state of mind? Do you get to pause to identify your own experience while you're in it? Does it take until years later for you to recognize what you had? Are you able to reflect on it in some random moment on a street corner in some major city on your way to get a meal? Do you have to be near death to smile about what you've accomplished?
May we all be exhilarated by what we are doing and be aware in that moment that it is everything we have ever wanted.
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