Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Feelings...Whoa Whoa Whoa

I'm just testing really. I found out I can basically "phone it in" - I can email my own blog and tell it things. Or rather, tell you, my adoring friends and family things. All day long, from wherever. You'll never miss a minute of my thoughts, ever again.


Did you know that the powers that be can put a perfect 8-10oz serving of ground coffee in a little space age pack (no bigger than an index card) for you to shove in a machine that makes you coffee at the push of one button? No water is ever seen. You don't even see the grounds. It's like an MRE (Meals Ready to Eat - look for the history of this in the next NYTimes Magazine-thank you disaster buzzwords)- but it's CRD -Coffee Ready to Drink.

There is a mystery though. I can 't figure out what the Espresso button is for. There is no "Espresso" style coffee pack. Could this be the key to another dimension? Stay tuned.

Oh and another thing. They're trying to kill us with powdered coffee creamer. Doesn't anyone know that stuff is more toxic than a McGriddles?

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