Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Now reading this...

Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris

Watching the HBO series True Blood inspired me to check this out. Fun, fast reading. I may continue on with the series of books once I finish the other two books I've been reading for two + months...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Toe in the Water

Testing mobile access... Check 1,2
Holy Creeaaap it worked. AND it worked FAST. Ah, modern technology. They made this thing faster since I last posted regularly. I feel like someone's grandmother. "Next thing you'll be tellin' me they got the time travel!"

It's actually not far off. They have nano-tvs already, so who knows. Unless that particle blaster underground wherever that is turns Earth into a black hole - then it's all for naught.

I have complaints to register, but since I'm getting all cozy in this post, I'll save it for the next one.

For now, a small victory in getting things up and running again.